BUNDLE WEEK: Sarah Noell’s bundle of her TOP 3 #CornellPress books!

Books belong together. Whether they topically complement each other, creating a well-rounded reader, or they create a variety filled reading list that excites and challenges, you’re made up of more than just one title.

Here’s another recommendation for #BundleWeek , coming at you from the Marketing Department:

  1. America The Fair: Using Brain Science to Create a More Just Nation
  2. No Longer Newsworthy: How the Mainstream Media Abandoned the Working Class
  3. Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World

(30% off this bundle with promo code O9BUN1)

As a relatively new employee at Cornell University Press, what has excited me the most is publishing topical titles. This hard-hitting list will quickly get you up to speed on three overwhelmingly prevalent issues our world is facing.

With an impending election, an overwhelming media cycle and a crippling climate these books address issues that appear daily on your Twitter feed. Instead of browsing article after article, receiving chatter but no answers, I’d recommend crossing these off your list. Partisan divide? Understood! Viscous and skewed news? No problem! The feeling that you’re failing the earth and there’s nothing you can do but become jaded? Maybe sign up for Garden Club. Ultimately, we hope these bundles inspire some summer reading, exploring and growing.

We’d love to hear from you, too! What CUP books are you bringing together this summer? Prepping for your anthro thesis? Or traveling to Costa Rica? Share your bundles with the hashtag #BundleWeek , and we might just share them to interest others.

Sarah Noell is a Marketing Assistant at the Cornell University Press. She enjoys reading reliable knowledge, tending to her office plants and, recently, listening to Carol King.


Love to share? Tell us what books made your bundle, tagging @CornellPress and using the hashtag #BundleWeek on social, and we might just share them to inspire others.

Happy Bundle Week!


Listen to our #1869podcast , to find out more about Sarah’s recommended books:




BUNDLE WEEK: Sarah Noell’s bundle of her TOP 3 #CornellPress books!

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